Restaurant Extension Planning Begins
August 27th 2015
A recent planning application has been made to the local council of Kingston-upon-Thames. Outlining that Chessington would like to construct an extension to Adventurer’s Chicken Shack. The plans indicate that the extension will be built in what is currently a smoking area.
Located to the right of Pizza Pasta in Market Square. The lockers next to Stubb’s Sweet Shop will be removed and likely relocated to make way for the extension. Guests will have direct access from Market Square via a covered archway.
The plans also indicate that a Grill house will be built outside the proposed extension. Just in front of the area’s central compass. The exact details on this are not yet clear.
Alongside the recently opened Captain’s Fish & Chips. This development would appear to be part of a plan to increase the capacity of food venues around the resort. With major outlets such as Market Square Pizza Pasta and Vampire’s Burger Kitchen struggling in peak times. New developments such as these will be a welcome addition to the park.
Chessington Buzz will continue to keep you up to date on all recent news and events as they unfold.